What resources (books, websites) are you finding helpful while creating this game?
As always Google is a programmers best friend. Honestly I find most of my answers through a Google search. Other than that, I’m active over at the GameDev StackExchange answering questions and asking a few of my own. It’s a good community and answering questions there keeps me in good mental shape for thinking about how to solve my own programming challenges.
Most recently I’ve found some useful information at these sites:
- http://www.red3d.com/cwr/steer/ For implementing smoother path finding and obstacle avoidance.
- http://gamadu.com/artemis/ Really helped to look how they implemented some of the aspects of a entity/component system
- http://www.gamasutra.com/ Has some pretty good articles for all sorts of things, from path finding to interviews with other developers about their games.
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/gameprog.html Amit Patel has put together some great resources for a lot of different aspects of game development. His map generation work is pretty interesting.
- http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/ Has been a good resource as well and I’ll likely use that even more as I get into the combat system.
- WorkFlowy I use for tracking my to-dos, ideas and all kinds of other stuff.
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