
I'm a software engineer who works on game development part time. I teach game development (on gamedev.stackexchange.com and lynda.com). I'm always working on something, and I'll post updates here. Let me know if there's a game development topic you want to know more about, I probably know the answer, or at least where to get one.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Overview of basic features in AoG: New Korbly

See my latest video here or watch below.

Showing some of the basic features now implemented in Age of Goblins: New Korbly. Ship construction, energy management, module destruction, module physics and the ship FTL.

1 comment:

  1. Your game looks shit. It's the 21st century, which is not a time to develop games for the Nintendo 64 you fat piece of shit.

    Make a proper game. (-10)
